Millions at Risk as Extremely Hot Heat Wave Grip the US 

Millions at Risk as Extremely Hot Heat Wave Grip the US. Credit | Getty Images
Millions at Risk as Extremely Hot Heat Wave Grip the US. Credit | Getty Images

United States: According to forecasters, a possibly record-breaking heat wave is expected to envelop large parts of the central and eastern US next week. 

It means that the coming heat can break records across the Texas – New England line and people who will not be ready for the extreme harsh weather are most vulnerable. 

More about the news 

According to the National Weather Service, for people living in areas where excessive heat goes into effect, there is “a high risk of heat stress or illnesses for anyone without effective cooling and/or adequate hydration,” as USA Today reported. 

The stakes are high: American research published in 2022 noted that the extreme heat in United States kills approximately 154 people daily. But the climate change is exacerbating the threat as evidenced with an unbroken series of world heat records within 12 months. 

Millions at Risk as Extremely Hot Heat Wave Grip the US. Credit | Reuters
Millions at Risk as Extremely Hot Heat Wave Grip the US. Credit | Reuters

Even though officials all over the United States have been organizing themselves to ensure the comfort of the vulnerable populace during summer, a Whooping 54 percent of those affected may be children or elderly, those with health complications like diabetes or heart disease, households without air conditioning, the homeless, and anyone who spends time outdoors for work. 

According to Kevin Lanza, an assistant professor of environmental science at UTHealth Houston, “Cities have no choice but to have already been thinking about this,” and “This is not only our Sun Belt – cities that are in traditionally warm climates. This is also in these cities and places when you think cold,” as USA Today reported. 

Actions to be taken by health officers of US States 

The intended actions by state health officer of Arizona includes distribution of free air conditioners in Oregon, and providing early heat warnings in New Jerseyy. 

However, for some regions, over the next week, there will be the first time this year to experience local officials’ preparation: “For many, this will be the first heat wave of the year,” according to AccuWeather meteorologist Brandon Buckingham. 

In the Ohio Valley and Mid-Atlantic, the climate prediction center said that excessive heat is most probably “Highs in the low- to mid-90s are forecast, possibly reaching daily record highs in many locations,” as USA News reported. 

The weather service added, next week, “heat indices should easily reach and exceed the century mark most afternoons,” in Washington D.C. 

Fatal heat wave has kicked in 

Maryland health officials reported their first death due to heat, associated with the death of a 59-year-old man in Prince George’s County near Washington, D.C. 

Although people begin getting a little more sweaty with the increase in summer temperatures, so does the concern of such officials, USA Today reported. 

On Wednesday, the New Jersey Department of Health advised people in the state to act now in anticipation of heat waves. 

A message in a social networking site states: “Don’t wait for heat to come in before you start protecting yourself.” Several OSHA heat standards applied in California as the heat period began. 

And the CDC has just recently released a national database that can be used to examine possible health threats from heat as granular as zip codes.